京都大学大学院医学研究科 国際保健・社会疫学講座からコンゴ人民共和国出身のPatou Musumari先生をお招きし、第8回外国人研究者によるグローバルセミナーを開催しました。


「ヘルス テクノロジー」と「ヘルスのためのテクノロジー」は大きく異なること、発展途上国において大切なのは「ヘルスのためのつつましいテクノロジー」であること、グローバルヘルスの向上には誰もが貢献できることを話して下さいました。先生は、講演後、生徒から次々に出された英語の質問にも丁寧に答えて下さいました。

  • 日 時:6月28日(火)
  • 講 師:京都大学大学院 医学研究科 助教 Patou Musumari 博士(コンゴ人民共和国出身)
  • テーマ:「テクノロジーはグローバルヘルスを改善できるか ─ 事例とこれから求められること」

The 8th Global Seminar by A Foreign Researcher Is Held

June 28th, 2016

On June 28th the school invited a rising researcher from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Dr. Patou Musumari from the Department of Global Health and Socio-epidemiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University and held the eighth Global Seminar.

He first gave students a general introduction of his country, such as its geographic information, climate, language, religion, flora and fauna, food, natural resources, and then showed the health status of the country. After that he moved on to the main topic “Can technology improve global health in developing countries” and introduced interesting examples of technology for health to the students by showing a few video clips.

He emphasized a clear distinction between ‘health technology’ and ‘technologies for health’ and stressed that priority should be given to ‘frugal technologies for health’ in developing countries. He also delivered an important message that anyone can contribute to global health. After his interesting talk, he faced a barrage of questions from students, but gave sincere answers to each of them.

8th Global Seminar

Guest Lecturer: Assistant Professor Patou Musumari, MD, PhD, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
The topic: Can technology improve global health in developing countries: examples and recommendations