
英語名:International Young Leaders Advancement Programme 2016

春休み期間の2日間、新高1GAコース生を対象に英国ケンブリッジから来校したBlue Bridge Education(ケンブリッジ大学ホーマートン・カレッジで公的な国際教育プログラムを委託開講)との共催で、オール英語によるリーダーシップ研修を行いました。


New GA Students Experience an All-English Leadership Programme by Cambridge teachers

March 31st – April 1st, 2016

During the spring vacation, the school held a two-day leadership programme named “International Young Leaders Advancement Programme 2016” for new students in the GA course in association with Blue Bridge Education, a British educational institution from Cambridge UK, which officially offers International Programmes at Homerton College, Cambridge University.

Two teachers and one TA came all the way from Cambridge to Takatsuki High School and gave the students an all-English leadership programme based on a special curriculum. At the end of the programme, each of the participants made a brief presentation in English and was given a certificate of completion. They all seemed to gain a sense of great achievement.