GAコースでは、連携する大学から若手の外国人研究者を本校に招き、コース生に対し英語によるセミナーを行っています。第4回目は、京大大学院医学研究科 国際保健・社会疫学講座からイエメン人女性研究者(歯科医)Christina El-saaid氏をお招きし、グローバルセミナーを行いました。


  • 日 時:6月2日(火)
  • 講 師:京都大学大学院 医学研究科 研究員 Ms. Christina El-saaidi(イエメン出身)
  • テーマ:“Health situation and complexities in Yemen”(イエメンにおける健康の状況と複雑性)

The 4th Global Seminar by A Foreign Researcher Is Held

June 2nd, 2015

The GA course has actively formed partnerships with some departments in major universities in the Kansai area such as Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe Universities and frequently invites young foreign researchers from those institutions so that the course will give their special seminars in English to the course students. On June 2nd the school invited a young Yemeni dentist Ms. Christina El-saaidi from the Department of Global Health and Socio-epidemiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University and held the fourth Global Seminar. She introduced her country from geographical and cultural perspectives and talked about her research and also referred to serious challenges her country is facing. During the seminar the students had two discussions in small groups about the subjects she gave. Many students tried to think of helpful ideas to improve serious health situation in a distant country. The seminar made us notice the existence of complexities in the global community and the necessity for action to reduce them.

The 4th Global Seminar
Guest Lecturer: Ms. Christina El-saaidi, Ph.D candidate, Kyoto University
The topic: “Health situation and complexities in Yemen”