英語名:International Young Leaders Advancement Programme

春休み期間の3日間、新高1GAコース生を対象に、英国ケンブリッジ大学の関係者で組織されたBlue Bridge Educationとの共催で、オール英語によるリーダーシップ研修を行いました。この研修を行うため来日したケンブリッジ大学の教員2名と4名の学生・大学院生から生徒41名がオリジナルのカリキュラムに基づく指導を受けました。最終日は小講堂で生徒が1人ずつプレゼンを行い、修了証を授与されました。


New GA Students Participate in an All-English Leadership Programme

March 31st – April 2nd, 2015

During the spring vacation, all the newcomers to the GA course participated in a three-day leadership programme named “International Young Leaders Advancement Programme.” The school and a British educational institution constituted of staff members connected with Cambridge University called Blue Bridge Education co-hosted the program and two teachers and four under/postgraduate students of Cambridge University came all the way from England to Takatsuki High School and offered an all-English leadership training to 41 GA students based on a special curriculum. On the final day each of the participants made a brief presentation in English and was given a certificate of completion.

The questionnaire to the students showed that the programme as a whole was rated highly and their average degree of satisfaction was 88.1%. Most participants seemed to gain a sense of achievement and find their next targets. Two Cambridge students had an enjoyable home-stay experience thanks to the hospitality offered by the families of two Takatsuki students.